Please fill in your organization info and add a preferred open table number.

Org Name Description Preferred Table
VGDev We are the video game development club at GT! Our members experience all aspects of game development like programming, art, design, music, and much more! Whether you are looking for a career in game development or just enjoy it as a hobby, we have something for everyone. 15 or 20 Allison Lu
Alex Yang
Nick Unger
Data Science @ GT As the largest student-run data science organization on campus, we are dedicated to developing technical skills in data science through various activities and events such as club projects, workshops, guest speakers and professors. We are a focused club with three main components: projects, bootcamps, and Hacklytics. 18
Yellow Jacket Space Program We are a student-led rocketry program that designs, builds, and flies liquid-fueled rockets. Our goal is to provide our members with hands-on training and experience that is directly applicable to the commercial space industry. We invite students of all majors and experience levels to join us! 8
Dependently Typed dependently-typed is a student-run club that aims to bring together programming language and compiler enthusiasts. We are dedicated in improving technical skills in compilers with activities, events, talk from guest speakers and professors. We invite students of experience levels to join us! 1 or 10
iOS Club At iOS club, with the help of our experienced tech leads, members work together to learn how to build iOS apps from scratch and publish them onto the app store. We welcome members with any level of experience, in fact, most of our new members are beginners who have never coded before. Join our discord for more information: and check out our website 2
Blockchain @ Georgia Tech Blockchain @ GT offers students educational resources and professional opportunities in blockchain tech, crypto, and web3. We are open to members of all skill levels, and many beginners join our 10-week Crypto 101 course. We offer many opportunities to get involved from industry-sponsored projects to bug bounties to protocol research to speaker events and conferences. Join our GroupMe to stay up-to-date: 19
GITMAD GITMAD is a College of Computing organization that strives to teach and encourage the development of Android applications. We hold weekly beginner workshops and project groups for our more experienced members. Join our discord for more information: 16 Anish Kanduri: [email protected]
Product@GT Product @ Georgia Tech aims to be a club through which members get immersed in the world of all things about product. Our mission is to create product-minded thinkers and leaders who are well-versed in all aspects of creating successful products, ranging from engineering, design, to marketing. 15 or 20
Tikkun Olam Makers Tikkun Olam Makers is an organization that partners teams of students to individuals with neglected disabilities (no viable/existing solution), and makes a solution for them free of charge. The work we do here matters, and it truly changes lives. We offer programs on a semesterly basis, as well as competition style events throughout the year. No experience necessary, you only need the desire to help others and make a difference. We can teach you everything else! Join the GroupMe and follow @tomgeorgiatech on Instagram to stay up to date! 17 or 18
FinTech @ Georgia Tech The Fintech at Georgia Tech initiative is committed to nurturing innovation and collaboration within the financial technology sector at Georgia Tech. This club represents a closely-knit community with a strong focus on engineering and product development. If you are an engineer or designer with a keen sense of product intuition and a fervor for Fintech, you are most welcome to join us.
Through a diverse range of events, we facilitate valuable connections between students and prominent Fintech companies, providing networking opportunities and granting access to potential job openings. Within the club, we host reading sessions, buildathons, and retreats, offering a platform for participants to explore and innovate within the Fintech realm.
Moreover, we present semester/year-long projects that empower students to craft real-world solutions. Our blog and research endeavors contribute thought-provoking insights, while the buildathons initiative fosters partnerships and delivers exceptional, industry-relevant experiences that truly stand out. 3 or 14


Floor-Plan w/ Table Numbers:

Building Tech Floorplan.pdf